Lower Back Pain

Approximately 8 out of 10 adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. People experience a range of pain, from feeling like a dull, constant ache to having sharp intense pain that comes on suddenly and leaving you unable to function. Most low back pain lasts a few days to a few weeks. Chronic low back pain, however, lasts about three months or longer and affects about 20% of individuals. The pain medicine specialists at Innovative Pain & Spine in Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska offer various treatment options to alleviate low back pain.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

The lower back is a complex area that connects the upper body (including the chest and arms) to the lower body (including the pelvis and legs) and is comprised of several vertebrae, soft cartilage discs, muscles, joints, ligaments, and nerve tissue. Lower back pain is extremely common for people of all ages, often triggered by:

  • Combination of overuse, strain, or injury
  • Heavy lifting, stretching, and exercise causing a strain, spasm, or sprain of the lower back
  • A spinal disc may rupture or bulge outward, causing pressure on the nerves located in the lumbar region.
  • Sciatica or degenerative disorders like arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, obesity, poor posture, stress, and bad work practices Our pain medicine providers will perform a physical exam and take your medical history to identify any serious conditions that may be causing the pain.

Treatment Options

Treating chronic low back pain may include one or a combination of medications, physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, traction, nerve block therapies, epidural steroid injections, TENS, and other non-invasive treatments. When these therapies aren’t enough, minimally invasive procedures such as kyphoplasty, radiofrequency denervation, and Vertiflex may be considered. Our pain medicine providers specialize in these procedures and will work to develop a treatment plan that meets your pain needs.

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